So, two important bits of news for you, our loyal readers:
First, Heather's interview with the JRCT went very well, and she'll be back in Mexico tonight - but we may not know the final decision about the job until the end of May, so keep your finger's crossed for us ...
Second, we now have a UK number (020 7870 3171 - normal charges for calling a London landline will apply) that you can use to call us on while we're travelling! A bit late in the day, but I wanted to test the technology ...
This "SkypeIn" number (020 7870 3171, write it down!) connects to our skype internet telephone account - if we happen to not be online (most of the time, obviously!), you can leave a voicemail (answerphone) message there, which we can pick up from any internet cafe. (If you have a Skype account yourself, you can call us at bigfamilytrippers for free of course, and we now have voicemail there too).
It would be great to hear from you!
- Mark
1 comment:
great news about the phone number! will try calling soon - what is the time difference? Is calling at about 6.30 our time any good? lots of love to all of you and well done Heather! Sasha xx
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