Monday, January 24, 2005

Comments appreciated

Hi all.

We are now on our last week in Kenya and our last few days in Western - boo hoo! As usual we have the combination of sadness at leaving and excitement and trepidation at moving on to a new country.

However the reason for this blog is a much more serious one! I don't think that our watchers and supporters are playing an active enough part in this blog. We spend hours writing, photographing, manipulating photos and generally working hard to make sure that you are all kept up to date - ok it may be boring at times and you may feel that we are getting a much better deal out of being here able to write it than you are being there able to read it (and we can't argue with that!) but PLEASE write some comments! Anything small, inane, stupid, funny, serious, argumentative, contraversial, friendly or jolly - we do miss you all you know and we love to have comments to what we've written. Its also really interesting to us to find out who is actually reading this blog - so if you've been a silent reader - let us know.

If people comment more it may also encourage the children to blog more often - so even if only in the interests of boosting their educational opportunities, get those fingers tapping on the keyboard. It's really simple - just hit the "comment" at bottom of this (or any other) blog, when it goes to comments go to bottom of the page, hit 'post comment', from there just hit "or post anonomously" but don't forget to put your name at the bottom of the comment so that we know who you are! and type away in the box - when you've finished just hit "post comment"- its really that simple and it'd make our day! Thanks in anticipation- Heather


Anonymous said...

Hi gang

The thing about blogging and I am half hoping the blogging community will echo this, is that we love to hear what you are up to and we enjoy tremendously looking at the photos, but its really difficult to compare.

It will get boring' I guess the weather is cold. Most of us are at work or dealing with our daily lives. Is that what you want to hear, TELL US, Do you want to know the daily mundane stuff?

The great thing about the blog for me, is it allows me to see people who are close to me doing things outside of the box. Normal people just like me,are encouraged to take some risks, it's enough for me to think about risk taking..

Love u gang


Anonymous said...

Here we are again moaning about interaction. Go out there do your thing but don't look back otherwise you will see me and Kizzy (she's sitting at my feet even as I write)moping about looking for you. Go off to the far east and meet my other daughter so that most of my kin are far away and you are moaning about contact. Love to you all anyway it's well heavy to hear from you.Dad and Kizzy.

Anonymous said...

I'm only going to say something small because you said I could and also if I do go on then it WILL get quite boring... anyways...
I just wanted to say that I hope you're having a really good time whilst we're stuck at home/work/school with colds/flu/other illness (now is when you feel sympathetic for us) no seriously, you've got a really good oppurtunity here and don't stay inside on the web, go out and have fun, tell us about it after!!!
Love you lots

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love to read your blogs - I think I can honestly say I've never missed an entry and I always read the entries to Tilly and Stan - but in my case I am spending nearly every waking hour working, a few precious moments with family and the rest is taken up with domestic chores etc!! - unfortunately this leaves very little time for blogging, as I'm sure you will appreciate. However, , though I might not have a lot of time to write, it doesnt mean that we're not all thinking of you and missing you - we just have very busy lives to lead!

Anonymous said...

It's Rachael here--posting anonymously rather than get ANOTHER username and password when I already have more than are good for me. I want to know what each of your three favourite things about Kenya were, please. And what was the most surprising thing for each of you? Do tell...

Anonymous said...

Hi all... Now we're concluding our own travels, we've realised it takes a lot of determination and skill to run a blog of the standard reached by the big family ... J. intended to post photographs for ours but he gave up. Writing clearly and wittily also takes much thought as one has to decode one's experience and translate it into a palpable form. Not easy in a steamy overcrowded internet cafe! Fortunately there are born story tellers like Rosa, Mark, Heather and Melissa.

Yesterday, we found ourselves with a guide at a most splendid Moghul palace in Agra. After a while the conversation went like this:

J Please can you repeat what you just said?
Guide (perplexed) You said you come from England. Don't you speak English?

Tomorrow we're back to join the busy bees in the UK, so whether we'll find time for regular comments remains to be seen...



Anonymous said...

Hey all, just to let you know that we do realise you put a lot of hard work into the blog and it is great....I really appreaciate reading it all and being green of the amazing things you are doing.....Like you said only small but still something :) Cheer up it is a big long family trip...will continue to post small
Emma X

Anonymous said...

Hi H.M.R & M
Don't faint I think I may just have found out how to get a comment on the BLOG! But don't hold your breathe
Really enjoyed your African Extravaganza - and am waiting with bated breathe for the photos - or have I missed them?
Spoke to Lani yesterday who is coming over at the weekend to tell us all the details.
I have been suffering with a chest infection, so had to resort to the dreaded antibiotics today, otherwise we survive.
Enjoy Thailand - give a big hug to Di & Shay for me when you meet up with them, and take a few for yourselves
Its lonely here without you all.
Roll on the summer
Love Mum & Larry