Thursday, January 06, 2005

Money for Matatus - a business idea

Well we've just spent a morning looking at Matatus. Matatus are the minibuses that are the 'public'means of transport in Kenya - all privately owned. Naomy wants to become a matatu owner and we got some advice from some other owner friends of hers. They are really encouraging her to go for it as they say that its a really good business and will give her a decent income whilst she sets up her disablity consultantcy. Anyway we have looked at all of the facts and figues and she wants to go for it. One problem though is capital. The HP price for a Matatu is at an interest rate of 25% (almost 10,000 pounds instead of 8,000 pounds). We are not really in a position at the moment to get a loan at a decent interest rate because we are not in work. Anyone got any spare cash or any ideas for borrowing it at a better rate of interest? - we reckon that it would take a maximum of two years to pay it back (and that includes making a good income out of it in the meantime), one year if not much is taken. Let us know and help if you can- Heather

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