Friday, December 24, 2004

Twawatakia Krismasi njema ...

... na mwakwa mwenye mafanikio!

We have our internet voice-mail working at last - so to hear our Christmas message to the world, click here.

Happy Christmas!


Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to hear your voices singing Christmas greetings! Very happy Christmas to you all. I know you will be feeling rather far away - and we are missing you a lot - but enjoy the difference! We love you and wish you were here but know that you are having great experiences. Fondest greetings to Naomy and Ann too. Much love to you all from Jo and Alan

Anonymous said...

Hi guys in Africaland! I have been able to read all your blogs and, at last, found out how to enlarge the excellent photos. It makes you all seem nearer and also I feel Iam doing the trip too when I read about your adventures. I imagine Africa is much less westernised than Goa etc.and life more lowkey. Delighted you have no electricity and are experiencing the natural rythms of day and night but it sounds like you are being waited on hand and foot.
we drove to Bristol having sung carols to the rising sun and thier new house is much, much nicer and more spacious than the old one with great potential in the different levels of the garden. I was very pleased Sasha had Morgan collect my Mother's 3 leaved table- which had spent the last 20 years supporting an ever growing plant. It looked so good and perfect in their dining room. Yevteshenko(?) got in as President in Ukraine. The people stayed out on the freezing streets for days and nights protesting against corrupt voting and now they have won! David Blunkett forced to resign from govt. over his fast tracking his ex lovers au pair's visa application also providing govt. chauffeurs services to ex. It all came out when he made an application to the courts for custody of his son by her so she let the visa etsd business be known in an effort to prevent him having access to his son!! So you see everything is as normal usual here. A very happy new year to you all and I very much look forward to continuing to hear and see more of your adventures. Thankyou so much for the beautiful animal print scarf and the elephant leaf card. I'm partial to elephants. Enjoy every one of your days, with lots of love from G ABC


we drove to
