We just took the dogs to the vets. On the way Jesse was sick - but it was OK cos Sunny ate it. Now we're sitting waiting for Heather and Paulo to come out of the vets where the dogeedoos are getting their injections against diseases - though not rabies, because they're too young yet. And as of yet they're not getting neutered either. You'd have thought it would take five minutes but it's taking so long that we're bored enough to dictate a blog to Mark
Bananas grow in our garden. The headrests on Naomy's car click forward wierdly. All the goats we see seem to be pregnant, even the ones with babies already - why is that??
What have we done so far?
We had a big argument the other day - well, not that big - about water and how we get it. Now we're using less water - about 2-3 litres each to wash in, which ain't that much by the way! We're looking forward to having showers you can leave running on you in Mumbai - it's so nice to waste water!
Looking forward to seeing people we know in Thailand - Diane, Seamus and Jo. It's nice having Lani here - we're making plans for her marriage, so we get lots of cows as dowry!!
Well, the dogs are back from the vet, so we're off to the supermarket and the internet cafe in the car. Our puppies are nice and funny, and they like to try to tear each other's throats out! [Heather adds:And my new African dress has got lots of little bite holes in it, because I wear it in the morning when they're most excited to see me...]
- Rosa, Melissa [and Heather], typed by Mark
1 comment:
Hi mellissa and rosa - its stan here - we have just been out to a french restaurant and we had mussles and chips to celebrate mum's birthday. I ate more mussles than anyone else and now my name is "stan - the muscle man!". it is very cold here - what is the weather like there? Did you take your gameboy mellissa? If not do you miss it? I got a SP advance for my birthday and now my mum has to unsuperglue me to get a conversation
lots of love superstan
Hi mellissa and rosa - tilly here! did you take your walkmans on holiday or just an ipod? On saturday I came first at a bowling party out of 13 girls !! lots of love to you, tilly xxx
Hi girls - it is Sasha on her Birthday - have had a great weekend in amsterdam which is full of friendly dutch people and thousand of bikes and tulips!! We have just arrived home and have been for mussles and chips at a french restaurant with t & S - it was lovely to go away but also lovely to come back - I expect you will feel like that when you come back too. Hope you are having a lovely time with Lani - wish I could smuggle into Jo's suitcase and join you all . Lots of love to you and to Heather and Mark xxxxx
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